
Hair Growth Cycle

Getting to know about the cycles of hair growth is a significant part in your aim to accomplish long healthy hair. The hair follicles on your head go through one of the following phases of hair growth: the growing phase, the resting phase, and the shedding phase. It is necessary to understand each of these. Growing Phase Growing phase, the longest phase of the cycles of hair growth, is the one that most of your hair is going through at one time. About 90% of your hair is in this phase. This phase can determine the longest length that your hair can grow. Between 3 and 7 years is the average growing phase and most hair grows an average of .5 inches every month. Resting Phase It is the second part in the cycle of hair growth. It lasts only 2-4 weeks. During this phase, the hair is not growing but it is still contained in the follicle. About 4% of all your hair is in this phase. Though hair growth does not occur at this time, the hair rests until it is ready to shed. Shedding Phase Normally, hair sheds about Air Swimmers 50-100 hairs per day. After the resting stage, they get pushed out of the hair follicle. It may not fall at once from your head until you later brush or comb your hair. Those hairs that no longer have a root angry bird are coming out as shedding, while brushing or combing. About 2% of your hair goes through this phase at one time. As shedding is something that tends to angry bird worry people, you should think about how often you brush or comb your hair daily. If you brush or comb only once a day, you may get a lot of shed hairs at once. So now you are aware that the cycles of hair growth are growing, resting, and shedding. Keep in mind that your hair is in one cycle or the other at any given time.

